action inspires action.

December 20, 2023

xplore. is a small and mighty team. A group of people with a collective ambition to create the world we want to live in.  But it’s not about us, it’s about collaboration.It’s about building a community.  Creating a movement. We inspire action through action.  We develop the tools so that we can all make the change we want to see. Thriving local communities, economically healthy neighbourhoods, connected towns and cities. All with independent businesses at their heart.  

a world driven localism.  

 We believe in a world driven by localism. Localism prioritises the empowerment of communities. It advocates for small, independent businesses.  It fosters a sense of place, of belonging, by valuing the unique characteristics and local resources of our towns and cities.

what is the local economy.

A local, sustainable economy uses the resources within it to meet local needs. When a local economy thrives, people have access to opportunities – jobs, skills, places of connection.  Quality of life is improved. When money circulates locally, local economies flourish.  

According to statistics by Retail Research, 3166 independent retailers closed during 2023, resulting in 14,075 job losses.

when local economies fail.

When a local economy is not working well, people may bedeprived of access to local shops and local jobs. Our high streets collapse andthose special places of human connection are lost. Social isolation creeps inand our communities become unhealthy.

how local economies fail.

Local economies begin to fail when resources seep.  By maintaining the flow of funds and resourceswithin local economies, we create the right conditions for communities to notjust survive, but thrive.  

what action can we take?

By considering where we put our pound, we can positively affect the health of our local economies.  By choosing to shop small, shop local, shop independent we can keep money circulating in local economies.  

Sure, there is a time and place for buying online from a large, anonymous e-commerce giant.  The lure of instant gratification is real.But by recognising that it's within our power to make a difference and by balancing our spending, we can begin to make the change we want to see.

Action inspires action and xplore. has been designed with that in mind.  

Will you act?  

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