what's xploreFriday

January 19, 2024

#xploreFriday is an opportunity for us to mix things up and get involved.

To congratulate xplorers on being part of a community of likeminded gentle-activists and to give recognition to the independent business owners who are such a hugely valuable part of our communites.

xplore has been created to connect those that value the contribution that independent businesses bring to our towns and neighbourhoods, and the independent businesses that serve their local community.

Connecting is our purpose.

Enabling is our ambition.

xplore is our gift.

We’re all aware of the narrative around ‘save our high streets’ and applaud the work of organisations that raise awareness and campaign for the same. We’ve gone a step further and created the platform that turns intention into action.

A discovery app where independent businesses can be found and followed, and where small daily habits can become intentional acts that change the shape of our high streets and communities.

This #xploreFriday and for every Friday across January and February, we have been gifting cash to xplorers when they top up their xplore wallets with £25 or £50.

Think of it as a random act of kindness, where we pay it forward. We gift you, so you can treat yourself or a friend, because we care. Collectively, we have the power to create neighbourhoods, towns and cities full of independents, embellished with interest and individuality.

Not only does #xploreFriday give us a chance to share our story, more importantly, it’s a chance for us to positively impact the future of the independent business community we champion.

Almost there!

Scan to download the xplore app
App Store QR Code. Scan to Download the xplore App.