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Central Bath

FLY Fitness

FLY stands for First Love Yourself and this is what they’re passionate about at FLY Fitness. With a wide selection of classes, equipment and highly skilled instructors and personal trainers, they have something to suit everyone. So no matter what kind of workout you choose, you’ll finish feeling amazing and stronger than ever. FLY Fitness founders created the space with the idea in mind of empowering their gym users through fitness, whilst also having a social aspect to it. Whether you’re joining for a solo session or a group class, there is a strong community feel to this gym - so even if you’re working out alone, you’ll still have motivation all around you! Head down for an intense HIIT session, a soothing and restoring yoga flow or use the gym equipment to target certain muscles or routines. FLY Fitness is a judgement free zone and you’re guaranteed to come away feeling your very best.
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We place as much emphasis on wellness as we do on fitness, both physical and mental. We wholeheartedly believe that life is all about this balance. Exercise is something that enhances your life and makes you stronger both physically and mentally.

Tess & Richard



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Central Bath


Bath is a city steeped in history, and its beautiful sandstone buildings exude grandeur reminiscent of its regal past. Take a walk along the Royal Crescent, a tour of the Roman Baths or a trip to the Abbey and you quickly understand why this city is one of the most the photographed, and visited, in England. However, don’t be fooled into thinking the high street and its famous attractions are all Bath has to offer. For take a trip down any of the cobbled side streets and you’ll be lead to the beating heart of the city, the local businesses and their owners. From Walcot Street in the north to Queen’s Square in the West and Henrietta Road in the east, Bath residents are fierce in their support for independent businesses. And with good reason, for this city is packed with them. From fine dining, to boutique stays and contemporary cafes, take a look through our independent listings and uncover the real beauty of Bath.
Bath is a city steeped in history, and its beautiful sandstone buildings is a constant reminder of its regal past as you explore the city. Take a walk along the Royal Crescent, a tour of the Roman Baths or a trip to the Abbey and you quickly understand why this city is one of the most the photographed, and visited, in England. However, don’t be fooled into thinking the high street and its famous attractions are all Bath has to offer. For take a trip down any of the cobbled side streets and you’ll be lead to the beating heart of the city, the local businesses and their owners. From Walcot Street in the north to Queen’s Square in the West and Henrietta Road in the east, Bath residents are fierce in their support for independent businesses. And with good reason, for this city is packed with them. From fine dining, to boutique stays and contemporary cafes and edgy pubs.
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