Rebuilding together

As we aim to emerge from this crisis stronger than before, we know that collaboration will be even more essential now than ever – that's why we want to create long-standing partnerships with governments, local authorities as well as destination marketing organisations and non-profits, to not only keep more of the benefits in our communities, but also to drive more value into them.

We are committed to working hand in hand with our partners to rebuild our local economies, offering our platform, insights and experience as they reopen their doors. Together, we know we can help communities and it's independent businesses embrace and benefit from a safe and responsible return of our communities being open for business.

Providing regional support

xplore is a one of its kind marketplace for local communities and their independent businesses. As communities reopen, locals and travellers will be looking to our own community to discover places to discover and experience. Working with select partners, we will shine a spotlight on featured regions to support our community in discovering new places to visit.

Fran, Owner of Cortado, Bath, standing outside his coffee shop.

Partner interest form

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